Creating applications in Django
The training is intended for beginner programmers familiar with the basics of Python and HTML.
During the training all basic elements of the Django application will be discussed, MTV pattern,
and then each participant will create a fully functional web application enabling, among others
- content editing by CMS
- automated user registration and login system
- sending data by users via embedded forms
- support for multiple languages
The area of the training
- Getting to know PyCharm
- The first Django project, initializing, running, debugging
- Discussion of the MTV pattern
- Django project structure
- Routing and url structure
- Views, class based Views
- Defining models
- Database migration and configuration
- Operations on model objects:
- Creating new objects
- Downloading objects
- Filtering results
- Basics of the built-in Django admin panel
- Template language – Django template, jinja
- Creating your own tags and filters
- Forms, forms based on models
- Own middleware
- Multilingual applications
- Testing
- Building a complete application using Django
T Testimonials