C# and Selenium WebDriver – learn how to automate acceptance tests for www
We'll show you how:
- To find yourself in the world of web acceptance test automation;
- Deal with the unstable test – you will learn the tools to deal with these problems;
- Start your adventure with automation and have a solid foundation for further development.
If you take part in the training, you will find out:
- How to wait for elements in tests;
- How to create a clear test report that allows you to attach test screenshots;
- How to build stable tests and how to deal with test errors.
The advantages of training:
- The course has been created and lead by an expert, passionate about building and maintaining test frameworks;
- We focus on programming practice – during the training you will receive specific skills, which will allow you to implement the acquired knowledge later;
- You will do a lot of exercises, and Michał will help you solve and understand the problems encountered.
Additional benefits for your employer:
- Practical implementation in the world of web acceptance test automation;
- Learn good practices for building tests;
- This is a much cheaper way than employee research, which can take several months;
- You will receive a ready-made solution, which will allow you to implement yourself efficiently into the automation.
We welcome:
- Manual testers and managers who did not write automatic tests;
- Those who think about extending their competences to more technical ones;
- Managers who want to understand the essence of the challenges of web acceptance test automation.
We guarantee:
- Training materials developed by trainer Michał Ślęzak;
- Properly prepared computers;
- Certificate of completion of the training;
- Lunch and coffee break;
- Surprise for each participant ?
Additionally, we host an evening party for the interested.
Day 1 - We create several programs from scratch and learn the basics of the various elements of the C# programming language.
What is C#? - where it comes from, a basic theory.
What is IDE? - We learn and discuss the development environment.
What are control instructions? - examples, working together on practical tasks, individual help of a trainer.
What are methods and variables? - examples, working together on practical tasks, individual help of a trainer.
Basic collections - various ways of storing data in C#.
We implement subsequent programs on the basis of previously learned elements / help with the speaker's computers.
Block - questions and answers.
Day 2 - Getting to know the basics of the WebDriver Selenium with C#
What are acceptance tests?
Why use them?
How to keep the tests balanced?
What is Selenium WebDriver?
What is NUnit / XUnit?
What is R#?
R# support in tests Assertions - What are they? When to use them?
Finding items on pages - CSS Selector, XPath, ID.
What is IWebElement?
We are writing our first test on ChromeDriver for a test page (live coding).
We learn about Selenium WebDriver syntax.
We customize our test for FirefoxDriver.
We improve our first test - we add dynamic explicit wait. Selection of waiting in Selenium WebDriver - different possibilities.
We start the test from the console - implementation - How to use NUnit Console Runner.
Actions on the page - Waiting for an element and typing text, choosing from dropdown element, scrolling to element and clicking.
Generating pseudo-random data and placing it in the fields on the Next test exercises page.
Discussion panel.
Day 3 - Learning more about the advanced aspects of Selenium WebDriver + C#
What is Page Object Pattern?
We learn popular patterns in acceptance tests. Example of a test using Page Object Pattern (live coding).
We adjust the tests from the previous day to Page Object Pattern.
We find out what Extension Methods are - we create for a class supporting dynamic waiting.
We add a report to the tests - Allure.
We introduce FluentAssertions - we change current assertions to Fluent Assertions.
We save screenshots from tests.
What is a CI system - We use AppVeyor?
What is Selenium Grid? We use Selenoid.
Discussion panel
The value of a 24-hour workshop:
Live workshop - 2-day intensive, practical workshops, conducted by a professional with many years of experience. - PLN 3980
Support - access to a closed group, where you can always ask questions and learn more. Value: 900 PLN
T Testimonials